Refer to pages 27 and 28 of the Sunbeam Activity Book. Do the activities below to complete the requirements.
1, 2, 3. Grab a piece of paper and a crayon. Then go outside and find two things - a tree AND a leaf. Put your paper up against the tree trunk and rub the crayon over it to get a bark rubbing. Then, trace the outline of your life. If you can, identify the tree and the leaf.
4. Pick an episode to watch from the Coyote's Backyard playlist, where Coyote Peterson takes children on an adventurer exploring their backyard. |
5. Visit the zoo or another place where you can see wildlife. OR Watch the video below for a tour of the animals you will find at the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk. Write a thank-you note to the people who took you to the place you visited in requirement.
6. One way we can become a real friend of nature is to create safe places for nature to exist. Watch the video series below from the National Wildlife Federation on how your family can create a Certified Wildlife Habitat in your backyard. Do you remember what are the key elements of habitat? |